My students ask a lot of questions about practice time. They often ask, “How long should I practice?” and sometimes, “Do I have to practice every day?” Or, “When is the best time to practice?”
I believe that if something is a practice, and I strongly believe piano, and all music study is a practice, then the practice takes place most days.
The famous violinist and teacher Shinichi Suzuki is credited with saying, “Only practice on the days you eat.” While that might sound a little extreme, I think he’s got the right idea. Doing something every day is what makes it a practice. Even when time is tight, or we’re not feeling great, practice can bring joy and help us feel grounded, especially when we think we don’t have the energy to “accomplish” something.
Practice leads to accomplishment, even if that accomplishment feels incremental. Thinking about the outcome of practice rather than the process of practice can be a roadblock to finding a way to incorporate music practice into daily life. Allow practice to happen on most days. Maybe even every day.
What about the length of practice time?
There’s no magic number of minutes or hours when it comes to piano practice. I believe that quality is more important than quantity, and a calm, centered mind in a quiet space lends itself to the most joyful practice possible. Having a plan, even a loose idea of how you want to spend your practice time is helpful.
Begin your practice and see where it takes you. Be open to moving on if something isn’t going well or go ahead and settle into a section of music that needs work if you feel focused. Even a few short minutes of centered, focused attention is beneficial when that time is spent consistently at the piano.
When is the best time to practice?
I think it’s just as effective to practice at the same time every day as at various times of day, depending on what else is going on in your life. If you’re an early bird and won’t disturb anyone, try practicing as soon as you wake up, possibly before breakfast, maybe even in your pajamas!
Practice at a break in other daily activities, during lunch hour, mid-morning, before or after dinner. School-age students can experiment with before-school practice, after-school practice, before or after homework, or practice before bedtime. It’s never too late to practice, and even a short bit of practice time before sleep can be a lovely way to end the day.
Do you practice most days?
How do you spend your practice time?
When do you practice?
Please share your practice routines, stories, and experiences in the comments below.
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